Poster Instructions
Posters will be on display for the duration of the conference. Presenters are requested to refer to the app to find the board number assigned to them. Posters should be mounted on May 9, as of early afternoon, by 14:00, and must be removed by 19:00 on Wednesday May 11. Please note that the organizers cannot be held responsible for posters that are not removed on time.
There will be two Coffee and Poster sessions: Monday May 9 at 16:10 and Tuesday May 10 at 10:00. All presenting authors are requested to stand by their poster stations during these two breaks to encourage discussion and answer any questions participants may have.
Please see below the technical details for preparing your poster:
Posters should preferably be prepared on one sheet.
Posters will be adhered to boards with double-sided tape which will be provided.
The size of your poster must not exceed 150 cm high x 90 cm wide.
Title and author(s) of your poster should appear at the top of the poster in bold lettering
All text and illustrations should be easy to read from a distance of 2 meters. Upon arrival at the conference, please refer to the final program to find the board number that has been assigned to you.